Creating visually pleasing shipment information for customers of a clothing brand. Responsive Desktop and Mobile website.
Sector : E - Commerce, Fashion Elements: UX, Visual Design, UX Research  |  Tools : Figma, Miro, Adobe CC
Project Overview
The challenge for this project was to integrate shipment statuses into the Order and Order Details page for Dungaro's Mobile and Desktop Website. Thus, improving the User Experience and Visual design.
User Journeys
To get a deeper understanding of the current experience of the customers, I created user journeys. Analysing the high-level steps that the user takes, I mapped out their pain points and problems. This led to potential improvements and enhancements to the online ordering experience.
Competitor Analysis
To take the best practices into consideration and explore the strengths and weakness of the leading brands, competitor analysis helped me to ideate further on the orders section.
Shipping Status Table

To have a better understanding and overview of the various stages in the shipping process
understanding about the various stages in the shipping process.
Low Fi Wireframe Sketches
To get an early visual understanding and communicate ideas with stakeholders
High Fidelity Mockups
Desktop Versions
Order Details Page

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