Role: UX UI Designer and Researcher
Tools: Figma, Miro, Adobe CC, Google Forms.

Many cities across Europe, including The Netherlands, are rethinking urban living & trying to accommodate cities to become even more cycle-friendly. This will mean an increase in overall number of cyclists, which is a positive thing when it comes to traffic pollution. However, what about the households that share just one bike? Could a system work in a household that had a shared bike? How would this system work and what features would it have?

Assumptions (why, who, where, what, when?)
For this project, I conducted research in the space of mental health and mood-tracking apps through specific research methods like desk research, competitive analysis, and diary study. I organized and participated in creative workshops with the stakeholders. I was involved in creating analog & digital(screens) prototypes and carrying out usability testing with the target group.

User Research - Process
Based on the problem provided and the assumptions, I proceeded to identify behavioral and domain-specific questions that would help me with narrowing the scope of the problem to a few, important use cases, to a representative group of my friends.
I presented these questions to my more than willing friends (in return for a cup of coffee or 🍻) and documented their responses in a google form. The following pictures are the screenshots of these responses.
Total sample size : 6 people | Responses recorded : 5 (eliminated one outlier in age and very specific physical mobility needs)
Total sample size : 6 people | Responses recorded : 5 (eliminated one outlier in age and very specific physical mobility needs)